Examples of genre : Horror, Romance, Sci-fi, Tragedy, Comedy.
CLICHE is an idea, expression of an artistic works that is overused and become predictable.
Examples of cliche :"one man's meat is another man's poison ", "all for one, and one for all".
STEREOTYPE is a common or oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
Examples of stereotype : of a prince charming [riding white horse, handsome, kind] ; of a witch [old, ugly, evil].
ANTAGONIST is a person who always opposes or is hostile to someone. Usually is the bad guy.
Examples of antagonist : villain, opponen, enemy.
PROTAGONIST is a main leading character in the story. Usually is the good guy.
Examples of pantagonist : superman, hero.
SUPPORTING CHARACTER usually have a relation with the main character to add dimension.
Examples of supporting character : Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean, Mary Jane from Spiderman.
COMIC RELIEF is comedy scenes that serve to release tension in real life
Examples of comic relief : In Harry Potter movie, Ron often act silly to relieve the tension. In The Amazing Spuderman, Peter Parker also act funny to loosen the tension.
CHARACTERIZATION describe the distinctive nature of the character itself.
Examples of characterization : The way of their speaking style or thoughts.
CONCEPTUALIZATION means an abstract idea / forming an idea.
THEME means the subject of a talk or a topic of the story.
PITCH means a degree of story when it is on it's highness or lowness.
LOGLINE providing both sypnosis of the program's plot to make it interesting through a brief summary of the story.
CHARACTER BIO is an account of the character.
SYPNOSIS is a brief summary of a story.
STORYLINE is a plot of a story.
TREATMENT is a detailed draft of the performance.
DEVELOPMENT HELL is a period where a movie or a projects is being develop.
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